Dogs do not have sweat glands in their skin (except under paws), so they can get overheated rather quickly. Dogs dissipate heat through panting.
Heatstroke causes a dog’s body temperature to rise causing severe brain, kidney and liver damage. Dog’s normal body temperature is 100-102 degrees, if body temperature rises above 107 it can lead to multiple organ failure, seizures, coma or even death.
Leaving a pet in car is the leading cause of heatstroke.
Signs of Heatstroke in pets:
Excessive panting or heavy breathing.
Purple or bright red color gums
Rapid heart rate
Unsteadiness or collapse
Excessive drooling
How to prevent heatstroke:
Do not leave your pet in car, even with windows open. Car’s temperature can rise 40 degrees in minutes.
Give plenty of water during hot days.
If dog is left in backyard, provide a safe environment with shade, water and if possible a kiddie pool.
Avoid exercising in hot, humid weather. Try to exercise early morning or late evening.
Avoid overexertion when exercising or playing outside.
Risk Factors particularly in Houston’s hot weather are much more. Use extra caution with pets more susceptible to heatstroke, such as older (7+ years), arthritic or obese dogs and short-nosed breeds such as Pekingese, pugs, Lhasa Apsos, boxers, bulldogs and Boston terriers; these breeds may not be able to cool themselves effectively through panting. Indoor dogs accustomed to temperatures regulated by air conditioning may also be more susceptible when they venture outside. Also, dogs with dark-colored coats absorb more heat from the sun, which also may lead to overheating.

What to do if you suspect your pet had heatstroke:
Heatstroke is a life threatening emergency and needs immediate veterinary medical attention. Call your veterinarian or an emergency clinic immediately.
- ✅ Remove the dog from hot environment.
- ✅ Cool off your pet with cool water (not cold water or alcohol).
- ✅ Let your dog drink cool water if possible.
- ✅ Use a fan to blow air to cool your dog.
- ✅ When taking your pet to the veterinarian, turn the A/C in your car to the coldest possible.
Further reading: