22 Apr, 2022 | No Comments
Earth day: Practicing veterinary medicine with low carbon foot (and paw) print at Harmony Pet Clinic.

While busy saving lives of our best friends, it is easy to forget the bigger picture and take care of the environment. At Harmony Pet Clinic, we try our best to be ecofriendly and will keep on increasing efforts and practices to reduce out carbon food and paw prints. Most of the stuff that has pharmaceuticals, chemicals and organic material not not be recycles, but we try our best to recycle the clean plastic, glass, paper and cardboard boxes.
Following are some of the efforts we do to help the environment:
- 1. Paperless practice, only electronic medical records.
- 2. Recycle clean, plastic, glass, metal and cardboard boxes.
- 3. Paper towels from recycled paper.
- 4. Composable coffee cups.
- 5. Compostable Trash bags.
- 6. Compostable dog poop bags.
- 7. Biodegradable pill vials.
- 8. Occupancy sensors in the rooms to turn off lights when not in use.
- 9. Energy efficient lights and equipment and regular maintenance of equipment.
- 10. Keeping temperature optimum for pets and environment.
- 11. Plastic bottle free drinking water for the staff and responsible use of water.
- 12. Environment friendly laundry detergent.
- 13. Environment friendly hand and dish soap.
- 14. Composting the raw food material.
- 15. Consolidated orders to reduce the packing/shipping material.
- 16. Digital x-rays that produce less radiation and less processing.
- 17. Recycle/reuse cold packs.